Good evening,
I just wanted to let our patients know that I am capable and available to perform ENT Telemedicine visits! Our first visit was today with a pediatric ENT patient that was already on our schedule, but due to his underlying illness, his parents did not want to take him out into the community. We were able to place him on our Telemedicine clinic schedule, and I was able to see him today, face to face, in his home! This was a new and exciting moment in our history at Hebert Medical Group.
I envision several other patients within our practice having similar situations, who would benefit from this option, especially in this time of the Covid 19 pandemic. Telemedicine may not be reasonable for every patient’s case, but it is definitely worth looking into. We will do our best to accommodate all patients who are interested in this emerging type of healthcare encounter.
If you are currently scheduled for an ENT appointment at Hebert Medical Group and plan to cancel, missed a recent ENT appointment with us, or would like to make an appointment for a Telemedicine visit in order to practice Social Distancing while receiving your healthcare, please contact us. We will be happy to take care of your ENT needs while you are home.
We can be reached through the website via the portal button, call button or You can also call 337-550-8530 or 337-210-2098 to speak to an ENT receptionist.
God Bless,
Richard L. Hebert, II, MD